- S.No.
- Tender Ref No.
- Tender Title
- Publish Date
- Number of Amendment
- Last Date of Submission
- Tender Document
- 1
- NISM/ICT/RFP/06/2016-17
Request for Proposals for Digital Signage Solution for NCFE
- 08/09/2016 12:00 am
- 2
- 07/10/2016 5:30 pm
View Detail
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a public trust established by SEBI with the objective of enhancing the quality of securities markets in the country through knowledge-based interventions. The National Centre for Financial Education (NCFE), comprising of representatives from all financial sector regulators i.e. RBI, SEBI, IRDAI, PFRDA and NISM, has been set up to implement National Strategy for Financial Education (NSFE), under the guidance of a Technical Group of Financial Stability and Development Council (FSDC) on Financial Inclusion and Financial Literacy catering to the entire population of the country.
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is for setting up Digital Signage solution for NCFE PAN India consisting of 30 Interactive Kiosks and 70 Large Format Commercial Displays (LFD) on Operating Expenditure (OPEX) Model where the kiosks and displays and software are owned, maintained and operated by the selected bidder and NISM pays a monthly rental amount for the same.
The scope includes day-to-day Operation, Maintenance and Technical Support Service for 3 years.
Issue Date of RFP: 8th September 2016
Pre-bid meeting to seek clarifications regarding the RFP: 15th September 2016
Revised Closure Date and Time of RFP: 07th October 2016, 5:30 PM
Revised Opening of EMD, Eligibility and Technical Information Date and Time: 10th October 2016, 4:30 PM
Revised Opening of Price Bid Date and Time: 02nd November 2016, 5:00 PM
NOTE: Bidders must submit their proposals based on the original RFP, amendment-1 to the RFP issued on 19th September 2016 and amendment-2 to the RFP issued on 26th September 2016. The three documents (RFP, Amendment-1 and Amendment -2) must be read in conjunction to ensure submission of flawless proposal.
For any further queries,please contact
Phone Number: (022) 6673-5130.
- 2
- NISM/ICT/RFP/05/2016-17
Request for Proposals for Application Software for National Financial Literacy Assessment Test
- 18/07/2016 12:00 am
- 0
- 02/08/2016 5:30 pm
View Detail
NISM intends to develop and implement an application software for financial literacy.
Suppliers are requested to submit their proposals for the aforementioned works.
For any further queries,
Please contact
Phone Number: (022) 6673-4606.
- 3
- NISM/ICT/RFP/02/2016-17
Request for Proposals TV Network Connections at NISM Campus, Patalganga
- 28/06/2016 12:00 am
- 0
- 15/07/2016 5:30 pm
View Detail
NISM intends to set up TV Network in its campus in Patalganga, District – Raigad, Maharashtra.
Suppliers are requested to submit their proposals for the aforementioned works.
For any further queries,
Please contact
Phone Number: (022) 6673-5186.
- 4
- NISM/ICT/RFQ/03/2016
Request for Quotation for Laptops, Desktops and Academic Licenses for MS Windows and MS Office Standard
- 09/06/2016 12:00 am
- 1
- 30/06/2016 4:00 pm
View Detail
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) is a public trust established by SEBI with the objective of enhancing the quality of securities markets in the country through knowledge-based interventions. There is a need for Laptops, Desktops and Academic Licenses for MS Windows and MS Office Standard. Quotations are invited from interested bidders for the same.
Issue Date of RFQ: 9th June 2016
Closure Date of RFQ: 24th June 2016, 16:00 Hrs
- Bidders must download both the RFQ and its ammendment mentioned above.
- The two documents must be read in conjunction to ensure submission of flawless proposal.
- 5
- NISM/ICT/RFP/04/2016-17
Request for Proposals for Data Circuits at NISM Campus, Patalganga
- 31/05/2016 12:00 am
- 1
- 30/06/2016 5:30 pm
View Detail
NISM intends to set up Data Circuits in its campus in Patalganga, District – Raigad, Maharashtra.
Suppliers are requested to submit their proposals for the aforementioned works.
For any further queries,
Please contact
Phone Number: (022) 6673-5154.
- 6
- NISM/ICT/RFP/07/2015-16
Request for Proposals for Hosting Platform at NISM Campus, Patalganga
- 23/02/2016 12:00 am
- 1
- 11/04/2016 5:30 pm
View Detail
NISM intends to set up Hosting Platform in its upcoming campus on Plot No 16-1 and 16-2, Mohapada, Patalganga, District – Raigad, Maharashtra.
Suppliers are requested to submit their proposals for the aforementioned works.
lease note that you must download both the RFP and Addendum
Please note that the last date for Bid submission is extended from 28th March, 2016 to 11th April 2016.
For any further queries please contact or phone number 022-66735167
NOTE: Suppliers must download the RFP mentioned above. The document must be read to ensure submission of flawless proposal.
- 7
- NA
Invitation to Expression of Interest (EOI) For shortlisting of Survey Agencies for conducting ‘SEBI Complaint Redress System – SCORES Survey (SEBI- SCORES)’
- 01/01/2016 12:00 am
- 0
- 22/01/2016 5:30 pm
View Detail
- 8
- NA
Tender documents for AV equipment
- 09/10/2015 12:00 am
- 0
- 26/10/2015 12:00 am
View Detail
Sealed tenders are invited in the prescribed format from tenderers for SITC of AV
equipment in NISM Campus at ground floor of Academic block “A” in plot no. IS-1 and IS-2,
Patalganga Industrial Area, village Wasambe, Sub-District Khalapur, District Raigad
- 9
- NISM/ICT/RFP/03/2015-16
Request For Proposals for Security & Performance Audit of Public Facing Applications
- 11/09/2015 12:00 am
- 1
- 06/10/2015 4:30 pm
View Detail
NISM Intends to carry out Security and Performance Audit of its public facing web based applications. Suppliers are requested to submit their proposals for the aforementioned works.
- Suppliers must download both the RFP and its ammendment mentioned above.
- The two documents must be read in conjunction to ensure submission of flawless proposal.
- The supplier must submit “Price Bid” as per the ammended Annexure – E. Please do not use the Annexure – E provided in the RFP.
Issue Date of RFP: 11th September, 2015
Closure Date of RFP: 6th October, 2015
For any further queries please contact
Ph: (022) 66735130
- 10
Training Programme on Train the Trainer
View Detail
National Institute of Securities Markets (NISM) in association with Network FP organized a training programme on ‘Train the Trainer’ at NISM Bhavan, Navi Mumbai during May 29-30, 2015.
The objective of the programme was to train & develop the delivery skills and abilities of the financial advisors who have been empaneled as Personal Finance Experts / Speakers of ‘Financial Wellbeing Camps’. The programme further aimed to help the financial advisors effectively communicate their domain expertise & connect with the audience during various Investor Awareness Programs.
The topics covered includes Need for Financial Literacy in India & Role of Financial Advisors; Best Practices for Financial Advisors in Conducting IAP Programs; Making IAP Programs Interesting & Engaging for Participants; Panel Discussions–(1) Tools & Resources Required to Conduct a IAP Program Successfully and (2) What Works, What Doesn’t Work in Awareness Programs, etc., Public Speaking Skills for Advisors, experience sharing among participants, etc.
The programme methodology adopted was interactive sessions, panel discussions, experience sharing and presentations.
The programme got inaugurated in the hands of Mr. Sandip Ghose, Director, NISM.